October 2021

    I returned to New Orleans at the end of September/beginning of October. After not having more than a week of in-person classes since early Spring 2020, I came to the realization that I really preferred online lectures rather than in-person ones. I started to feel as if I couldn’t pay attention as well in in-person classes and I don’t know why this is. Perhaps it is because when I am watching the lecture on my laptop, I can pause to finish writing a not or rewind if I think I missed something. Either way, I have been trying keep my attention focused on the lecture while I am present in class and I am doing a better job at it, but it is hard after not being in class for so long. I have also noticed my study habits are not sufficient to perform at a level that I am used to performing at. I am trying different strategies with varying success, but I believe I have found the best way. In the middle of October, I was also accepted to the University of Mississippi Medical School. I was very excited to finally be accepted. I have worked for so long and spent so much time and money waiting on this moment and the only thing I could think was “It’s about time.” The cycle is going very well for me, although I have received a few pre-Interview Invite rejections (including one from Tulane that I was surprised about.) I am still waiting on decisions from about 15 schools and I am hopeful to have more 


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